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Animation Podcast

Back in 2012 we decided to invade the air waves with these podcasts and since that time, we've talked with many industry pros! We talk about animation, the industry, workflows, and wisdom through out their careers. These podcasts can also be found on iTunes, Spotify, and Youtube. We also want your feedback on the iAnimate Podcast! Have industry questions you'd like answered? Fancy an interview with an animator you LOVE?

Latest Podcast Interview!

Interview with Pixar Animator Andrew Atteberry

In our 71th podcast we interviewed Pixar animator and iAnimate alumni, Andrew Atteberry. Before joining Pixar Animation Studios Andrew got his start at Magnetic Dreams, a small studio in Tennessee where he learned many portions of the pipeline. Wanting to grow in his animation skills he joined iAnimate. After graduating iAnimate he went on to Walt Disney and joined their talent development program, Blue Sky Studios, and MPC. He's worked on such films as Rio 2, The Peanuts ...

Previous Interviews

Interview with Pixar Animator Tal Shwarzman
Episode #70
Interview with Animation Supervisor Jim van der Keyl
Episode #69
Interview with Animation Director Keith Lango
Episode #68
Interview with Dreamworks Supervising Animator Ravi Kamble Govind
Episode #67
Interview with Blizzard Sr Animator Casey McDermott
Episode #66
Interview with industry Veteran Conan Low
Episode #65
Interview with Blizzard Entertainment Sr. Animator Lana Bachynski
Episode #64
Interview with ILM Sr. Animator Erik Morgansen
Episode #63
Interview with Pixar Animator Frank Abney
Episode #62
Interview with Cuphead 2D animator Tina Nawrocki
Episode #61
Interview with Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse Animators
Episode #60
Interview with industry veteran - Simon Otto
Episode #59
Interview with Tech Animator Andy Kephalidis
Episode #58
Interview with Animator Brendan Body
Episode #57
Interview with Animator Jason Keane
Episode #56

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