Tomasz Grenda - Guardians of the Galaxy Animator
After I finished iAnimate I got to work on Guardians of the Galaxy vol.1, was a Senior Animator at Warner Bros. on Legend of Tarzan, a Senior Animator at Dream Works Animation TV on 'How to train your Dragon', Senior/Team lead Animator at Platige Image, and Senior/Lead animator for Watch dogs 2 cinematic, Ghost recon, Total War: Warhammer cinematic, and much more. So yeah, iAnimate change a lot !!!

iAnimate helped not only develop my new and stronger workflow for my work, but also improve my approach to animation itself. iAnimate is also a group of talented people and big support every step of the way. It's always nice to have a fresh eye on animation, not only from a Mentors, but the student's as well. I would like to take this opportunity to send one more BIG thank you to the mentors who change my path of the Animation FORCE :).
After I finished iAnimate I got to work on Guardians of the Galaxy vol.1, was a Senior Animator at Warner Bros. on Legend of Tarzan, a Senior Animator
at Dream Works Animation TV on 'How to train your Dragon', Senior/Team lead Animator at Platige Image, and Senior/Lead animator for Watch dogs 2 cinematic, Ghost recon, Total War: Warhammer cinematic, and much more. So yeah, iAnimate change a lot !!!