Testimonial from Marcel Pontes
"I chose iAnimate, because of the instructors, rigs, school structure, and the community seemed to be a step up in relation to the other online schools. I enrolled in the Games Animation program, because I'm a hardcore gamer and passionate for games! I want to break into the game animation industry and my main goal is to end up animating cinematic for games.
I'm truly satisfied with the program.

First because everything I mentioned above is amazing; the live critique is insanely helpful, the continuous feedback from the instructors always push us to the limit, the rigs are great and the community is really open minded and resourceful. The instructors are simply the most energetic, motivating, and talented guys that I have ever met. I feel that they really care and want to help us in the best way possible.
I really recommend this program for people who want to focus on improving tremendously their animation. When you get in, be prepared to WORK A LOT and be pushed by your instructor, because mainly that's what is going to make your animation go to the next level.
I'd like to thank Kevin Rucker, Brett Pascal, Ric Arroyo, and David Hubert for being so awesome. I never thought I would improve so much in such a short amount of time. iAnimate Rocks!