Student Testimonial - Bryn Richards
"My experience was excellent! I feel like I have really learned a lot and boosted my skills and confidence. I definitely feel that the workshop was worth it! Especially considering the vault, all of the rigs, and other resources."

"Michael has been nothing but encouraging and helpful throughout this workshop. He has helped me to push my assignments as well as giving me many tools and new techniques that help me to create better animations and to speed up my workflow."
Bryn Richards is an animator from the UK currently working at Traveller's Tales (Warner Brothers Games). He originally joined iAnimate years ago, which helped him to land an internship at Ninja Theory. After his contract ended, Bryn got a job at Cubic Motion, cleaning mocap and polishing facial animation for Ryse and other titles before jumping over to Traveller's Tales, where he has been animating cutscenes for LEGO games. Bryn enrolled in iAnimate because he believes that it is the Animation Online School that can provide for his animation needs.
Bryn took the following Workshops workshops at iAnimate:
- Feature Workshop 2 - Body Mechanics with Jim van der Kyle
- Feature Workshop 3 - Advanced Body Mechanics and Pantomime Acting with Mike Walling (Bungie Studio)
- Games Workshop 2 - Combat, Takedowns, and Advanced Techniques with Michael Cuevas (Blizzard Entertainment)