Daniel Alexander - Game Animator
At the time that I decided to make the choice to enroll at iAnimate, I had been feeling, for a while, that I was needing something more in my personal development to help elevate myself to a next level. I did my research and at the end of the day, made my choice to enroll at iA.

I am more than glad that I made that decision as I do not think there was a better situation I could have found myself in. Through the three games workshops that I took, I could feel and see myself grow at a rate that I had not experienced during my formal education and budding career. My instructors were fantastic, the workshops were well structured and a great platform to learn. I applied myself to the fullest, allowed myself to be a sponge and I was able to really absorb so much great information, it was genuinely exciting. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with iAnimate, absolutely learned a ton, formed new relationships, and grew both as an animator and as a professional. I am happy I found & made the choice to start iA. So thank you to you and everyone else involved.
My iAnimate demo reel is what really sprung my career forward. Shortly after posting a demo reel of my WS1 & WS2 work, and while I was still in the middle of taking WS3, I started getting opportunities opening up. This directly led to securing an opportunity with WB Games, they really liked the work in my reel, was given a test, and I was able to apply everything that I learned. I accepted the offer, and off I went.
Recently I have moved onto a new studio, Hardsuit Labs, where I'm taking another big step forward and working on some really exciting, next-level stuff. And what's cool... as the work I did at WB is still under NDA, I applied to Hardsuit using my old iA demo reel, which now happens to be 2.5 years old. And once again, it allowed for another opportunity to be put in motion, and the stars aligned. It has been 2.5 years since I posted that reel, and it's still paying off, and I am grateful for that.